Why Choose Financial Freedom?

Why Choose Financial Freedom?

Why choose Financial Freedom? Because it sounds incredible. It feels incredible. Money handling is something every single person has in common. We require it for maintaining our homes, supplying our food, getting us from place to place, for instance. Unless someone lives in the outskirts of humanity where their land is next to free and they gather their own food, build/repair using what’s available to them, and live by the sun, they will need to be conscious about their money situation.

Finances dictate our lives:

Firstly, finances are the common denominator among us. We all have different tastes, hobbies, goals, routines; however, they revolve around our ability to manage our money. That is why it matters to me. Secondly, I want to help us be as happy and content as we’ve ever felt, with the peace of mind that we have enough money. Such as enough money to take a vacation or time off without having to makeup the loss in the bank account; enough to be unafraid to switch jobs because we aren’t thrilled with our current employer; to move to a new part of town or different town because it’s closer to more of the things we love; to try a new hobby we’ve long been curious of but never had the funds or time to really dig into.

Again, what I love about Financial Freedom is that it is universal. I love knowing we all have the power to be financially free if we devote ourselves to accomplishing it.

Conversely, the main misconception we seem to have about freedom and happiness is that it can only be reached by having heaps of money. This is hardly the case! Rather, having a lot of money isn’t the key to happiness: managing your money effectively is what creates peace, happiness, and opportunity.

Master money management basics:

Managing money involves three key elements: incomes, expenses, and investments.

  • Income growth through more income streams and/or increase in rates of pay
  • Minimising expenses to a point of comfort yet frugality
  • Investing in safe bets that will bloom strong, consistent returns

By gaining comfort and skill at manipulating these three ingredients, we loosen our dependency on full-time employment. We can now formulate strategies to grow wealth on our own terms instead of bowing to the will of an employer.

What this means is time. Thus, we can free our time using money. Time is what matters. The time to make memories with friends and family, time to better our skills in our hobbies, or learn a new hobby that we’ve always thought looked fun, time to explore more of the big beautiful world around us, time to be there for our kids when it matters, and time to reflect on all these memories and experiences that we gain because our freedom allowed us to create the moments. Hence, this is why I choose Financial Freedom.

Choose Financial Freedom too!

In conclusion, living paycheque to paycheque is overrated. Together, let’s instead become educated at managing our incomes, expenses, investments. Let’s become wise in money management so that we can afford the flexibility to spend our time as we wish.

Let’s achieve Financial Freedom.

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