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Month: March 2020

My 2019 Spending Breakdown

My 2019 Spending Breakdown

Time to get personal with you clan. Let's analyse my spending breakdown from 2019. How could I be credible if it turned out I was living paycheque to paycheque, or had an outstanding credit card balance. Not that you're screwed if that's your situation now -- we shall persevere and conquer!
How to Organise Spending (Corral Your Bucks, #2)

How to Organise Spending (Corral Your Bucks, #2)

Yee-haw! Onward to part 2. Let's find out why indeed tracking all that action from part 1 is truly important. We're going to learn how to organise that spending information. Now that we are in the habit of recording our spending (or giving it a shot)...
Tracking Expenses Changed My Life

Tracking Expenses Changed My Life

Tracking expenses at its core is the most important step to growing wealthy. Amazingly, most people try to ignore this crucial step. When I saw that paycheque of how much my company had paid me that year for my time and effort versus how much I had actually kept to improve my net worth, it made me feel a bit like a schmuck...
Why Choose Financial Freedom?

Why Choose Financial Freedom?

Why choose Financial Freedom? Because it sounds incredible. It feels incredible. Money handling is something every single person has in common. We require it for maintaining our homes, supplying our food, getting us from place to place. Unless someone lives in the outskirts of humanity where their land is next to free and they gather their own food...
What is Financial Freedom?

What is Financial Freedom?

My interpretation of Financial Freedom: having enough money amassed that investment growth equals, or outpaces, spending.  Therefore, by this definition, we are free. There is enough treasure compounding in our lair that we can live life forever in the lifestyle we planned for, without needing to work for more money. There is a ladder to climb up...
Welcome to Dragon and a Dream

Welcome to Dragon and a Dream

Greetings, I’m Jason; welcome to Dragon and A Dream! These writings are to share what I learn and experience following my dreams while living life on the frugal side. With motivational flare for you readers to get fired up about following your own passions. Growing up, we have so many passions, and strong ambitions to go along with them. I was home-schooled until...